Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Beginnings!?!?!

So yeah, I've been wanting to do this for a while now....the idea has been stewing.

Premise? I'm pissed. I graduate college in 2011. The world may end the next year? What a jip.

What am I talking about? Well, if you haven't heard, sometime between December 21st and 23rd in 2012, the Mayan Calendar ends. (Different people have different opinions on the exact date....and it's actually the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar....and it's not really ending, just completing it's 13th b'ak'tun cycle....but people keep refering to it as the ending of the mayan calendar....)

So what? Well, the world might end. Or maybe we'll be part of a major metaphysical/spiritual transformation and enter the AGE OF AQUARIUS!!!! *cue the music*

So, I intend to deal with all the crazy shit that people keep saying will happen. A geomagnetic pole reversal? Aliens? Creation of a noosphere? The fall of human civilization? I guess you'll find out how I'd deal with these things.

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